Abnormal uterine bleeding is excess bleeding or bleeding that occurs outside the normal menstrual cycle.
This is the bladder “bulging” or dropping into the vagina.
Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological disorders, affecting more than 5 million women in the United States.
Pregnancy and childbirth are natural events, but sometimes a condition arises that can effect the health of the mother or fetus. Women’s Health Services at Hartford Hospital has the technology and expertise to detect risk factors and to closely monitor mothers at high risk for complications.
Learn more about Nighttime Urinary Voiding and how Hartford Hospital is working to help those with the problem.
Pelvic pain in women can indicate a problem with the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix or vagina or could be related to pregnancy.
Postpartum depression (PPD) occurs in about 10 percent of new mothers. PPD can occur anytime in the first year after birth. Women with PPD often feel inadequate, hopeless and unable to cope with everyday life.
Normally there is a ‘hammock’ (we call it a layer of ‘fascia’) that lies between the bladder and the vagina, and supports the bladder. When this ‘hammock’ stretches or tears, then the bladder bulges or presses into the vagina.
An outpatient surgical procedure that will help your urinary condition.
Stress Incontinence is a leakage of urine that occurs, for example, during coughing, laughing, lifting or sneezing. This happens because the muscles and tissues supporting the bladder have been weakened.
Nearly thirty five percent of premenopausal women experience debilitating symptoms related to uterine fibroids. These symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, severe cramping, urinary frequency and pelvic pain.